Sunday, January 5, 2020



Your smile is a messenger of your good will.Your smile brightness the lives of all who see it.To someone who has seen a dozen people frown or turn their faces away your smile is like sun breaking through clouds especially when that someone is under pressure from his boss,customer,teacher or parent a smile can help him realize that all is not hopeless but their is joy in the world. 
Action Speaks Load than word.
Smile says I like you
You make me happy I am glad to see you I love it A smile brightness the live of who see you. A smile says many positive things. Lets smile more often .Most of us are super concerned about how we dress our selves and about how we look in general. A quick look in the mirror before leaving the house is a must of most people . We want to look good for the rest of the world.what we after forget is that we wear on our face speaks louder than we wear on our bodies . Most people nowadays wear a frown on their face instead of smile. Smiles are more powerful they can completely turn around someone's day. Smiling is an easy way to make people like you so whenever you go out remind your self of smiling at people. Moods follow actions keep it always in mind if you don't feel like smiling just force your self to do and in no time you will be cheerful again and smile automatically.


  1. Smiling is universally considered to be a way we display joy. It can communicate our internal world to people on the outside, and it can be a welcoming sign to new people. In some cultures, such as parts of Asia and the former Soviet Union, in some contexts, smiling is considered dishonest :)

  2. "Smile is a form of Sadaqah", that's what our prophet Mohammad said. happy to read that :)

  3. smile is the simplest message that an person can give it to others.

  4. smiling stimulates our brain's reward mechanism in a way that even chocolate, a well-regarded pleasure-inducer, cannot match. Keep smiling:)
